R. Jean Mathieu's Innerspace

SF/F, sociology, some recipes. Updates most Fridays.

Philosophy in a Teacup: P. A. Cornell

Today’s guest is P. A. Cornell, the Chilean-Canadian author of “Once Upon a Time at The Oakmont.” She’s the first Chilean writer nominated for a Nebula award…and perhaps the first to win?

Time is her hobby and her obsession, so I’m glad she took the time to sit down with us.

Tell us more about your book/ series/ short story work.

I tend to write a lot about relationships, be they romantic, familial, or otherwise. I’m interested in what makes people behave the way they do, especially when it comes to interacting with others who may not think or feel the same way. This is something I explored quite a bit in my novella, Lost Cargo.

The plot has my group of characters stranded on a dangerous, alien moon, but beyond that, they’re also total strangers from various places on Earth. They don’t all even speak the same language. How they react to this situation also varies and adds to the challenge of trying to survive their ordeal. Another good example would be my story, “Splits,” in which an anomaly causes my main character to split into various versions of herself at different ages. It’s a way of exploring both familial relationships, and also our relationship with ourselves, and the journey of learning to love and be compassionate toward ourselves.

Why do you write speculative fiction? / What is speculative to you?

The short answer is that I write speculative fiction because I love it. I think those of us who create in this space or who enjoy it as fans just love how cool and fun it can be. But beyond that, speculative fiction is practically limitless in terms of allowing writers to explore themes and ideas in ways that a straight literary story might not. It also allows us to explore possibilities by posing questions like “What if?” or “If this continues, then what?” It’s the fiction of the curious.

I think it was Heinlein who said there are three kinds of science fiction: “what if?” “if only…” and “if this goes on.” I agree, speculative fiction (as a whole) offers limitless possibilities beyond the reality we see every day.

Where do you find inspiration for your stories?

I’ve found that pretty much anything can inspire a story. Sometimes it’s as simple as something someone says that triggers a train of thought that eventually leads to an idea. I’m often inspired by things my children say, for instance. They see things in a way that’s so different from adult perception. They’ve often caused me to consider things in ways I wouldn’t have otherwise done. I’m also often inspired by other arts. Images, pieces of music, etc. And sometimes I’m not even sure where a story comes from.

My story, “Once Upon a Time at The Oakmont,” is a perfect example.

On the island of Manhattan, there’s a building out of time.

It seemed to come from nowhere. I just woke up early one morning with the opening line in my head, and I started free-writing from there, discovering the story as I went. But the story is also filled with things that have personal meaning for me. Like certain songs, silent films, historical events, even some of the foods mentioned in it. This story probably wouldn’t have taken the shape it did if I hadn’t on some level been trying to combine all these disparate things into one piece.

What is your favorite sci-fi, fantasy, or horror trope? / What is your favorite sci-fi subgenre? 

Anyone who’s read my fiction knows I love tropes, and I enjoy the challenge of giving them my own unique spin. It’s hard to choose a favorite, but if I had to, it would probably be time travel, or anything where I get to play with time. I’ve done this in multiple stories. “Once Upon a Time at The Oakmont,” takes place in a building in which multiple time periods meet. “Splits,” has the protagonist splitting into versions of herself at different ages. “A Fall Backward Through the Hourglass,” is about a woman who begins aging backward at the same rate her daughter ages normally. “8 Laws I Wound Up Breaking While Attempting to Restore the Timeline,” pretty much says it all in the title, as it’s about a series of time travel mishaps. I never go too long without playing with time.

I’m a fan of time travel myself. My first novel was a time travel murder mystery, and I’ve got a few other time travel short stories out there.

What is it about time as a concept that draws you? When you look at time, what do you see there?

I think Ms. Knox, the manager of The Oakmont, says it best in my story:

“Time is nothing…and everything. It doesn’t actually exist, because we made it up.”

Time is humanity’s shared delusion. We arbitrarily decided how many hours were in a day because the math roughly worked out. We just need to make minor adjustments now and then like leap years and daylight savings and time zones. In that way, we’re all constantly playing with time.

When I go to the Nebula conference, I’ll be time traveling because I’ll be going from the East coast to the West. That sort of thing is funny to me. And of course I’ve just always enjoyed stories that play with time. The Time Traveler’s Wife, for instance. Or “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.” Even Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure.

I find it fun to play around with this in a way we obviously can’t in the real world—at least not yet. It’s also a challenge, because when you mess with timelines, it affects everything, so if you’re crafting a plot, you really have to watch for holes or find a way to explain them so that the story still makes sense. For “Once Upon a Time at The Oakmont,” for instance, there are many rules the residents must follow that help them navigate a place where their neighbors exist in different eras, and at the same time helps me hold all the continuity threads together. The passage of time is also interesting to me because as time passes, we change, and I enjoy exploring those changes as I did in “Splits” with the different ages of the protagonist, and also in “Once Upon a Time at The Oakmont” with the different attitudes people have about things depending on their generation.

What is your favorite speculative fiction book (besides yours)? / What is your favorite speculative short story?

My favorite speculative book is The Martian by Andy Weir, which I believe turns ten this year, so I’m celebrating that milestone with a re-read. I know people are going to argue with me that it should be Project Hail Mary, if we’re talking about Weir’s work, and I do love that book too, but as a lifelong space nerd I’ve always had a soft spot for Mars, so that book just ticks all the boxes for me. I also really enjoy Weir’s writing style, the way he weaves this sarcastic sense of humor into stories often filled with hard science and high-stakes conflict. That’s pretty much the recipe for a story I’m going to enjoy.

What is the best story you’ve written?

I guess it’s easy to point to “Once Upon a Time at The Oakmont” as my best story since it was the one that got nominated for a Nebula, but it’s also my favorite and would’ve been even without the nomination. I have others I feel really worked too though.

I’m really proud of, “The Body Remembers,” for instance. It’s a dark military SF about soldiers used to test a new regeneration technology that allows them to heal from practically any injury. This sounds like a good thing, on the surface, but the story makes it clear that the reality is anything but. I feel like that story did exactly what I wanted it to do, and it’s been very well-received. It was published twice within the same year and later translated into Farsi as well. I’ve also received positive feedback from readers who were in the military, and that means so much to me.

What is the world you long to see?

A world in which empathy and foresight guide us. I feel like a lot of the worst things we do stem from a lack of empathy or foresight and if we just took some time to consider the consequences of our actions, the world would naturally be better. I think speculative fiction exists in part to teach us this.

How does it feel to be the first Chilean finalist for a Nebula Award?

Obviously being the first to reach a milestone is a great feeling. To my knowledge I was also the first Chilean in SFWA. But once you get that out of the way, it doesn’t mean much on its own. My hope is that “first” means there will be more to come.

I grew up loving fiction, but I didn’t get to see myself represented in the stories I read. The landscape has become more diverse since then, but there’s still work to do, especially when it comes to bringing stories from outside the English-speaking world into our sphere. I’m always thrilled to see any kind of diversity in fiction and strive to include it in my own, but for me personally, I’d love to see more Chilean representation specifically, because it’s still quite rare to see myself represented. And that can only come from Chilean writers.

The thing is, for their stories to find their way to the publications and awards we’re familiar with here, these authors must either be able to write in English or be translated. I may be the first Chilean nominated for a Nebula, but I have the privilege of being fluent in English and that I live in and publish from Canada, which simplifies things. Chilean writers are no strangers to literary awards. We’ve won the Nobel and the Pulitzer, for instance. I’m a member of Alciff Chile (Chile’s answer to SFWA) so I know the country has a wealth of speculative writers. I would love to see more of their stories accessible to readers here.

There are two other Chilean writers in SFWA right now that I can mention. Rodrigo Culagovski is a fantastic writer. His story, “You Don’t Have to Watch This Part,” (Dark Matter Presents: Monstrous Futures) is among my favorites. Rodrigo Juri, whose story, “One in a Million,” was published in Clarkesworld, also comes to mind. I’d love to see them or any other Chilean on the ballot for a major speculative award.


Bonus question: Novels or short stories? Which do you prefer to read? Which do you prefer to write?

I don’t really have a preference. The length of my stories is dictated by the complexity of the plot, for the most part. So I’ve written everything from flash to novels. I do like the way short fiction lets me explore many different themes, or play with different characters, without a huge time commitment. But I also enjoy spending more time with a story and being able to explore these themes and characters more deeply in a longer format.

As far as reading goes, I tend to read novels just because I have a mile-long TBR like most writers do. But I also read short stories in those moments where I maybe don’t have a lot of time. Or I’ll listen to short story podcasts while I’m cooking, for instance, which allows me to “read” when I don’t have my hands free to hold a book.

Thank you for joining us, P. A. Cornell. Good luck in the Nebulas!

If you’re intrigued by P. A. Cornell’s time tropes, twists, or turns of phrase, head on over to PACornell.com for some Free Reads.

Nebula Finalists 2024: Short Stories

It’s 2024. We live in the Future. And here are five tales, the Nebula finalists for short story, shepherding us, warning us, or delighting us into that future.

Nebula Awards badge
The 2024 Nebula Awards

Once Upon a Time at the Oakmont

P. A. Cornell

On the island of Manhattan, there’s a building out of time. I can’t tell you where it is, exactly. It has an address, of course, as all buildings do, but that wouldn’t mean anything to you. What I can tell you is that the building is called The Oakmont.

P. A. Cornell’s “Once Upon a Time at the Oakmont” is obsessed with time – much like P. A. Cornell herself. In some ways, this is perfectly obvious, even from the first line. Time is at a premium at the Oakmont, and everyone, Cornell included, is resourceful in their use of it. Dropped notes and strict rules work around the time differences or uphold the walls between them, and everyone exploits the peculiar properties of the Oakmont to …get together and watch movies up on the roof. It’s a mélange of eras and foods:

The film won’t start until it’s truly dark, though. First there’s the traditional potluck dinner. I glance down at the table at foods from every era. On one end Depression cake sits next to aspic. The other end holds a silver fondue pot. Just beyond that’s the grocery store sushi platter I brought. There are no rules about food at The Oakmont.

But it’s not just losing time and gaining time and spending time, it’s keeping time. Music weaves in and out of the story, in and out of the eras it warps through. The two main characters spend their time dancing to Glenn Miller’s “Moonlight Serenade,” even as they watch their time together at the Oakmont slip away. For this is a love story between the 2020s and the 1940s…and the future they could make together.

It’s not just time that governs “Once Upon a Time at the Oakmont,” but chance. The Oakmont is almost the city exaggerated – the chance encounters are the kind you only get in the city, with that many different people cheek-by-jowl on the front stoop, stopping by a building that used to be something, running into an old neighbor you haven’t seen in years. It’s chance that the two main characters meet, chance that brings about the happy ending, chance that brings up memories of times long past.

Chance and time – a beautiful combination for a romance.

Waxing moon
Moon Phase: Waxing

Tantie Merle and the Farmhand 4200

R. S. A. Garcia

So, hear nah. This is how it happen.

Was years after Malcolm pass through and wash away a lot ah we little islands coasts, and mash up so much ah Florida and Texas and them places, and people say they ain’t waiting for no next storm like that one, and they pack up they things and went England, and Canada, and all over.

A skill of science fiction and fantasy readers, like yourselves, is the ability to jump into a patois or a slang and trust that you’ll understand it. Maybe not yet, but in a few paragraphs or a few pages. It’s a rare skill, and a good one – I like to think it makes us more adept at plunging into unfamiliar dialects and unfamiliar jargons in real life. But the past few decades, the past few years, it seems to be a rarer and rarer skill, as writers assiduously try to make everything as easy to understand as quickly as possible from the first word.

As long as R. S. A. Garcia and other Caribbean writers like Suzan Palumbo are writing, that rare skill isn’t going anywhere.

The voice of Tantie Merle is half the story, warm and haughty. This is an old woman who’s too old to leave the village and whose best enemy is a goat. Ignatius, being a goat, will eat everything. So Merle’s children buy her a Farmhand 4200, an omnitool with a friendly face. Being lonely, she gives it a name, Lincoln.

Merle is the first person in history to give a name to her Farmhand 4200. I get the impression she can’t help it – she treats goats as people, why not treat something that can talk as a person? And thus begins a relationship, between Merle, Ignatius, and Lincoln, that ends with “he’s his own person now.”

“Tantie Merle and the Farmhand 4200” is about loneliness, but with a unique twist. A lot of science fiction (especially shorts) would treat the main character’s loneliness (and connection to others, either triumph or tragic failure) in a clinical and detached sort of way, often portraying such characters as antisocial introverts. Tantie Merle is gregarious and friendly, if set in her ways, and it warms the people (human, goat, or machine) she comes in contact with and the story as a whole. And overcoming that loneliness, with a twist, so delighted and surprised me that I laughed and drew stares from the other people in the café.

Half moon
Moon Phase: Half

Window Boy

Thomas Ha

The tenth time Jakey broke the rules, he put a sandwich in the mailbox where the window boy could get it. Mom had taken her sleep-quick pills and gone to bed after dinner, on account of her headaches. And Dad was dozing in front of the TV, chin on his chest and a half-empty glass clutched in his hand. It got still enough that the only sounds were Dad’s shows and the hum of the house filters, so Jakey slipped into the kitchen and put together a ham and cheddar on a plate, then placed it in the parcel chamber near the front door. He sat by the parlor window for a good long while after, curled up at the bench cushions, and his eyelids drooped now and again until he began to see the shadows move.

The window boy showed up, just like all the other times.

“Window Boy” is class conflict with all the subtlety of a hammer. That’s okay – that’s half what science fiction is for. Thomas Ha shows us, through the parlor window, a world where the rich and powerful live in bunkers underground, piping security footage of the surface above into false windows in the parlor. The window boy is a surface-dweller, an object of Jakey’s empathy and a threat to his way of life.

And what a surface.

Men in camo appear out of the darkness, mysterious “grackles” hunt humans in the night. The surface world is disjointed and otherworldly, exactly how Jakey would see it. His family, meanwhile, are trapped by the trappings of our own world, the well-to-do problems thinly covered by pills and alcohol. Not for nothing does Jake’s father warn him against empathy and trust, especially of the surface folks, who might just kill him.

You think when they smile and wave that they want to be your friend? You think when they tap at the window or ring the doorbell they just want a little favor? They hate you, Jakey. That’s why we have rules, about not talking, not sharing. Because to share is to show. And you don’t ever show them what you got, Jakey. Understand?

And yet, Jakey goes to the parlor window, talks to the window boy, listens to his pleas to please open the door, pretty please, as the men prowl the darkness behind him like tigers.

 I’ll admit that I don’t completely understand the ending. That’s all right. I understand the intent, and Thomas Ha delivers it with skill, and force, and bitterness.

Half moon
Moon Phase: Half

The Sound of Children Screaming

Rachael K. Jones

You know the one about the Gun. The Gun goes where it wants to. On Thursday morning just after recess, the Gun will walk through the front doors of Thurman Elementary, and it won’t sign in at the front office or wear a visitor’s badge.

Yeah, this one is dark. Don’t let the Narnian mice fool you.

The school shooter arrives and, refreshingly, Rachael K. Jones does not waste any time on him, his name, his motivations. He is a tool of the Gun and not worth her time, or ours. But the alarms sound, and Ms. Dalton and her fourth-grade class into the closet, where a magical Portal that “seeks the places where children hide” whisks them away to a fantasyland.

The talking mice, their romantic war, the crowns of bones, the feasting are all a bit of a left swerve from the grounded, tense ripped-from-too-many-headlines story that Jones opens with. But it slowly comes clear that the fantasy, the real fantasy, is that the children have agency here. They’re important, they matter, their choices change the world. And that’s a double-edged sword, as Ms. Dalton can plainly see. People could die from the children’s choices.

Meanwhile, the school shooter is opening the door to the classroom.

And that agency, the collision between the fantasyland and the school shooter scenario, Narnia crashing into Columbine, forms the climax of the story that I never saw coming…and realized was inevitable.

Half moon
Moon Phase: Half

Bad Doors

John Wiswell

The country was at just over ten thousand deaths the morning that the door appeared.


Nearing the hall, he called out for his cousin. “Jesse? Got any empty seltzers? I’m doing a recycling run.”

That’s when he saw the new door.

John Wiswell’s “Bad Doors” follows Kosmo, just trying to survive in a COVID-infested America, as he is chased by a mysterious door that follows him wherever he goes. It sounds like a Twilight Zone episode, one of the good ones, but don’t expect a twist at the end. Kosmo stares at the door like Ms. Dalton at the classroom closet, but Kosmo has no shooter behind him…and every reason to fear the door that wasn’t there before.

After Jesse’s mysterious disappearance, Kosmo’s only family is Uncle Dahl. But Dahl is no help. An anti-vaxxer and COVID denialist, Uncle Dahl doesn’t believe in doors either, only screaming at Kosmo to “be a man!” over Kosmo’s increasingly sardonic voice. Kosmo’s voice – sardonic without being over-the-top Joss Whedon dialogue – is one of the highlights of the story, and a nice tonic after Uncle Dahl’s all-too-real toxicity.

I like “refusal of the call” stories – I’ve had one I’ve been tinkering with for twenty-six years now. Confronted with a Twilight Zone situation, Kosmo doesn’t immediately open it, doesn’t suit up for the next great adventure, doesn’t call the omindisciplinary scientists and the military to investigate. He avoids it. He runs. He warns people not to touch the door, and when they do, he runs farther. And keeps running.

And that running is his saving grace – quite literally. It involves standing up to, and getting away from, Uncle Dahl before it destroys him. And it involves getting as far as possible from that damn door.

Waning moon
Moon Phase: Waning

Better Living Through Algorithms

Naomi Kritzer

Then she put it down with a smile and said, “Abelique told me not to pick up my phone again until after lunch was over.”

“Who?” Margo said.

“It’s this new app for better living.”

“I love the idea of an app that tells you to put your phone down more. For your own good,” Margo said, her eyes glinting.

“You should try it!” June said. “You get the first thirty days free!”

“And after that, you have to pay someone to nag you to use your phone less?”

“It’s more than that.” June took a bite out of her tuna melt. “For one thing, you also agree to occasionally nag other people to put their phones down.”

This is an Asimov robot story. And if you’ve read any Asimov, you know this is going to be a happy one.

Abelique is taking the world by storm – the app that helps you with everything, from reviving your childhood love of painting to getting you to talk to people to shopping and cooking for a healthier you. It even disguises itself as a productivity app for your boss, while reminding you not to stay late since he’s not paying you overtime! Kritzer refers to it as “a complete lifestyle app” and I can’t think of a more appropriate appellation.

But where it comes from, who benefits, is a mystery, one that gets unraveled slowly over the course of the story…even as the narrator’s life visibly improves. Whoever they are, they have a plan…even the enshittification of the app might well be part of the mysterious, dare we suspect sinister?, plot.

You keep waiting for the twist. It doesn’t come. The lack of an ironic twist is the twist!

And this while grappling with the kind of “a man chooses, a slave obeys” issues that living on our phones bring up. I’m on Duolingo, Libby, and I Am on my phone…but I’m also on Reddit, Discord, and Instagram. And I know they’re not helping me. Do you choose to use your phone…or obey it?

And would you kindly tell me if obeying is necessarily a bad thing?

What absolutely floored me about this story is that Naomi Kritzer has not invented a Torment Nexus. She’s illustrated an app that Silicon Valley could build, right now, today, that would improve the lives of everyone who uses it and probably make the creators a great deal of money.

Hey, Silicon Valley, stop inventing the Torment Nexus from Don’t Build The Torment Nexus. Would you kindly build this instead?

Full moon
Moon Phase: Full

Philosophy (in a Teacup): Carla RA

Today we’re talking with Carla RA, who writes about robots and might be a robot herself. We just can’t know. Carla is a scientist by day and a sci-fi writer by night. She is a Brazilian cosmologist (of the quantum kind), mathematician, and historian of science. With her secret identity as a sci-fi author, she likes to speculate on humanity using fantastical, science-based themes.

Carla RA: Robot or not?

Tell us more about your short story work.

My latest publication is a short story titled “Wild Pistols.” It’s about David, an unreliable, good-natured narrator trying to be accepted and find a place to settle. The catch is that David is the first sentient robot to ever exist—or is he? 

This story is very dear to me because it was the first time I had a story accepted for publication. And it happened both in Portuguese and in English! I have sold microfiction in English before, but Wild Pistols was the first short story I published. 

Seeing the reaction to this story has been quite an experience. By the end…

<span style=”cursor:help;” title=”spoiler text here”>…we don’t really know if David is a robot or not. I had readers telling me it was too evident he was a robot, while others said it was clear as day that David was a human. I find this amusing. These conflicting impressions make me think I did something right with this one.</span>

Why do you write speculative fiction? 

“Write the stories you want to read.” 

Carla ra

I don’t have a passionate or touching answer to this one. I mostly read science fiction, so that’s what I write about.

Where do you find inspiration for your stories?

Ideas pop up from nowhere all the time. I think reading is the greatest source of story seeds (but not the only one). So, I don’t really need to be inspired to get those. I need inspiration for how to build a story out of these ideas. For me, at least, ideas come in the form of “What ifs,” and crafting a plot and characters around this question is not intuitive to me. Sometimes, it’s undoable! I have a whole folder with story seeds waiting for a plot that might never come.

Therefore, I would say that my main source of inspiration is to study the writing craft. Learning more about plot structure, tropes, character design, plot bits, and that kind of stuff is what allows me to create an engaging story around a vague idea. I’ve heard people saying they avoid studying the craft, fearing it would hinder their creativity. For me, it’s the opposite. 

Studying is my primary source of inspiration. 

(This sounds super nerdy, right? I’m aware of my dorkiness.)

What is your favorite sci-fi, fantasy, or horror trope? 

Time travel. There’s something about playing with time that always entices me. You can get creative in so many ways without falling into clichés.

What is your favorite speculative fiction book (besides yours)?

Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. I knew the tale way before reading the book, as many do. However, reading it is a whole other experience. The story is much more nuanced than what is immortalized in the tale of Fankenstein’s monster! It earned a top spot on my favorite list. 

What is the best robot story you’ve written?

Now that you’ve asked, I realize I wrote many robot/AI stories. How funny! “Wild Pistols” and “How to Identify a Robot” are published; Artificial Rebellion is all about AI also…

Carla RA. Beep boop.

Well, to answer the question, I think my favorite that I wrote was the last one, the yet unreleased flash fiction “Unobserved.” I’m still in the honeymoon phase with this one.

What is the world you long to see?

That’s a tough one. 

The tricky part about embracing diversity is that one’s utopia is another’s dystopia. So, I won’t describe a utopia. 

There are a couple of things that I believe are within our reach and would improve our collective lives significantly: being more in tune with our natural environment and slowing down our daily lives. Sadly, many people see wilderness as exotic or uncivilized, all the while living a frantic life, always in a rush, anxious for the next thing. I want to live in a world where taking it easy and enjoying nature are not perceived as being lazy and rube.

How does your day job as a scientist impact your work?

The biggest impact I perceive is the other way around. Exercising my creative writing has changed the way I approach science. I found a place for creativity in my work, leading me to make a less stilted science. It improved how I usually explain ideas and concepts. It’s a lesson on storytelling: you can only make your message accessible if you know how to deliver it. 

Bonus question: Novels or short stories? Which do you prefer to read? Which do you prefer to write?

Short stories all the way! I struggle to write longer formats, and I often get bored reading a full-length novel.

“Earthball,” by R. Jean Mathieu

Not your traditional sports story, “Earthball” (and Earthball) are all about teamwork and togetherness in a future you might even want to see.

Four floral hands embracing the centered Earth. Cover of "Earthball" by R. Jean Mathieu, cover by Melissa Weiss Mathieu.
Cover by Melissa Weiss Mathieu.

The ball spun perfectly in the middle of the ship’s storm cellar, blue-green, round and full as a living planet, suspended in place, ready for play, pregnant with unspent momentum.

“…HAJIME!” Cried Captain-Grandmother Atsuki.

As one, with cries of kiai, two dozen sprawling bodies launched themselves from every angle, every bulkhead slapped with foot and limb. Two dozen howling spacers hurtling together toward the big round ball, which nearly slipped from grasp from the split-second difference of these hands arriving on its smooth rubber surface just before those hands. But those hands touched the ball, and reestablished something like equilibrium, before the smooth surface slipped again, caught this time in Ensign-Niece Oceanne’s belly, just under her floating ribs. Her loud ‘ouf!’ gave way to the subtle cries and laughter of the game of Earthball, as crew bumped into one another in the frantic, writhing effort to keep the slippery ball in place, far away from any bulkhead whose merest glance would end the game.

On the free trader Kanno-Maru, there are only so many ways to stand out from the crowd of family. Ensign-Niece Kanno Oceanne struggles to find her place on the ship, amidst Kanno family expectations and Kanno family values. She is not quick about her duties, nor is she studious in her schooling. But in the game without teams, only teamwork, the game of Earthball, she has a chance to shine.

If only her father would let her.

When her cousin suggests she switch sides, Oceanne eagerly accepts. Little does she realize that her change of position sets in motion a chain of events that could tear the crew, her family, entirely apart.

For fans of inspirational sports stories (or hippie games), “Earthball” is the only game in town.

“Doutor Compaixão,” by R. Jean Mathieu

This story, “Doutor Compaixão,” came from a challenge from the inestimable Cat Rambo, namely, take the prompt “A Brazilian math teacher proposes marriage to compassion” and make a story of it.

They called him “the beggar who counts.”

They called him a saint.

They called him “Doutor Compaixão.”

But when the pacification police came in heavy gear with shields and guns, they didn’t call him anything. They said they had never seen the man Pedro Sores Canto.

Word had come from Rebeca Itoh Silviera, down in the city at the university, that a raid was coming to the old favela she had escaped. A man inside the police came to visit his parents and give them the remittance and the bribes he won as a policeman the day before, saying that the raid was seeking out the old math teacher who gave lessons and refused reals for it. No, he did not know for what crime. He was a policeman, how was he to know what crime a man was to be arrested for?

Word reached Pedro Sores Canto as he held a chalkboard to his knee, cracked chalk showing the curve of a bell that held the secrets of all the universe, probably. Word came the same way all his payment came, as a butchered chicken or a jug of beer or a whispered word of forgiveness. The children scattered like crows from the stern faces of their mothers, anxious that the man who had freed Rebeca Itoh Silviera should do the same for their children. If the pacification police took him away, who would teach the children to make numbers dance and speak Portuguesa as the rich in the city do?

“Do not worry for me, Senhora de Assis, Senhora Ventura, Senhora Quintana.” He smiled. “Have compassion for yourselves and your children. Keep a close eye on them tomorrow, and remind them to count.”

As he carried home the butchered chicken and the jug of beer and the terrible news, he thought of Alcione. He had come to Cantagalo, first climbed the steep hills between tar-paper and tin, five years before, latest in a string of hidden places that had been his life since her words to him. He wondered what had become of her. Either dead or married, he decided, a cloud of children underfoot like flies in sweltering winter.

Either way, she had long since departed from him. All that was left of her to him were those words:

“You have no compassion.”

Passion he had had. Passion enough that, in the irrational way of very rational men, he had killed her lover. Passion enough to conceal his love until it burst from him, passion enough to confess it to her after the deed was done.

Compassion was something else again, a limit to converge on and never reach. It was not the passion one could have for a woman, for the woman, for Alcione, but a love for her and everyone and everything. It was as particular as the names of Senhora  de Assis and Senhora Ventura and Senhora Quintana and Vitor Ferraz de Avis and Rebeca Itoh Silviera and Alexandre Cubano Sozinho. It was as grand as Sugarloaf Mountain and deep as the Pacific. It was an idea that he, Dr. Pedro Sores Canto, once the brightest young turk in Brazilian mathematics, could not grasp.

As he had lay in shallow ditches outside São Paulo at night, or slapped mosquitos from his skin and calculated his grim odds of survival on elaborate bell curves in the Amazon jungle, or lay awake watching reflected fires in the tin roof of some favela or another, the bitter sting of Alcione’s other words had left, along with her face, and her voice, and so, insensibly, his obsession had moved from her to the idea, compassion, the idea that was to him a nebulous air and an equation to solve and to her an immediate reality to experience.

It was his attempt to solve the equation and to make the nebulous idea concrete and real that had kept him to the favelas. He had learnt the Buddhist mantras and the Catholic prayers and the strange notions of the poor and criminal Evangelicals he had found himself hiding among. Santa Teresa de Kalkota had stayed with the poor for compassion, so, too, would he. He could have hidden from the authorities a dozen other ways, perhaps even returned to academia. But it was safer in the favelas, and it was in the favelas he would finally solve compassion.

His trail had started in São Paulo a murderer, and ended here, at the top of Cantalgo Hill, in the garret of a brick building that smelled always of frying onions and the human drift, a saint. Doutor Compaixão.

Senhora de Assis had said the raid would come tomorrow. Senhora Ventura tonight. Indeterminate. Very well, he could study his chances. 50% chance they would come tonight, 50% tomorrow. He need only play the probabilities, what his students and their fathers called gambling.

“Senhora Preto, I must leave tonight,” he told the elderly landlady smoking her hand-rolled at the living room table. “Please tell any visitors I have already gone.”

Senhora Preto nodded, exhaling a little puff. He was not the first tenant to leave suddenly as rumors of another raid swirled around the streets and markets and living room tables. She approved of his good manners in announcing it beforehand, though. It spoke to good breeding.

He climbed the stairs to his garret for the last time. There was not much to pack. Only a few shirts, another pair of pants, the hundred-year-old calculus textbook that Jorge Figueiredo Boaventura’s father had given him many years before, before Jorge had broken his leg and died. Poor child, almost a man, and then…

Pedro Sores Canto sighed. Jorge had died three years before, and all Pedro could rouse in his heart was regret that such a promising mind had been snuffed out like a candle. He muttered prayers for him, but there was no heart in it.

Still, it was nearly fifteen years since Arthur Castilho Nakata had died under his hand and Alcione had left his life forever. Still his death-rattle and her compassion animated him. And he had remembered Jorge’s name, and said prayers for him. He converged on compassion…

The startled cry of Senhora Preto jarred him from his meditations. The pacification police moved fast these days, lightning war, not like the old days. That they would arrive so soon was more than three standard deviations from the mean, less than 0.16% likely. He did not have to look out the tiny window to know that the house was surrounded, that there was no more running for him unless he sprout wings and fly. He would be taken, and tried, and, in the end, executed. Perhaps Alcione would appear, after all these years, to testify against him.

A second cry, from Senhora Preto, stabbing through the shouts and buffets and bullets of the pacification police. It was a cry of pain. Pedro Sores Canto felt something rise in him, a stone in his throat and a balloon in his mind. Senhora Preto had done nothing to earn whatever the pacification police had done to elicit that cry from her. No more than Jorge Figueiredo Boaventura had deserved to die.

No more than Arthur Castilho Nakata had deserved to die.

The room seemed bathed in light, though only a cheap flashlight flickered feebly. He saw there the faces and names of all the students he had taught, all the parents he had consoled, saw again Alcione’s face as it had been when it had driven him to madness, Arthur’s face in serene repose and free of suffering. He saw faces that he knew were attached to the boots storming up the stairs, the voices screaming guttural cries. He saw his own face. They were all individual and crystal clear, they were all as one.

Alcione would never have married him. She had been right, he had no compassion. And now? Had he approached the apex, converged on the limit at last? Or was his teaching, his kindness, his genius of little pains and remembered names, only a “good-enough” approximation?

This was the last unknown in the equation, the last x to solve for. There was a way to solve it.

The stone in his throat was desire. He desired that they all be free of suffering, sinners and saints both, and especially all the fallen, glorious, troubled, human souls in between. He wished it with his whole body, so hard it ached, heedless of the tramp of boots and the oncoming cries.

Alcione would never have married him, but…

“Compassion,” he asked, sinking to his knees on the bare floor, “will you marry me?”

Something inside him said yes, and he felt himself lift as if on wings.

When the pacification police kicked the thin plywood castoff excuse for a door open, they found only an empty room. In confusion, they dripped into the tiny room. Behind his helmet, Vitor Ferraz de Avis muttered a prayer of thanks to Santa Maria, who in her compassion had liberated old Doutor Compaixão.

Think this story was good? Bad? Just plain weird? Let me know in the comments!

Nebula Finalists 2024

Nebula awards (big)

One week ago, the SFWA announced this year’s finalists for the Nebula Awards – with the proviso that Martha Wells has turned down any honors, saying that she’s already got enough praise for her work, and she wants to open the field for other writers to shine. Because Martha Wells is a class act. I will be at NebulaCon again this year, and as before, I’ll be offering my predictions and opinions on the short stories, novelettes, and hopefully novellas before June.

But, on first blush, what do you think of this lineup? Let me know in the comments!

Nebula Award for Novel

  • The Saint of Bright Doors, Vajra Chandrasekera (Tordotcom)
  • The Water Outlaws, S.L. Huang (Tordotcom; Solaris UK)
  • Translation State, Ann Leckie (Orbit US; Orbit UK)
  • The Terraformers, Annalee Newitz (Tor; Orbit UK)
  • Shigidi and the Brass Head of Obalufon, Wole Talabi (DAW, Gollancz)
  • Witch King, Martha Wells (Tordotcom)

Nebula Award for Novella

  • The Crane Husband, Kelly Barnhill (Tordotcom)
  • “Linghun”, Ai Jiang (Dark Matter Ink)
  • Thornhedge, T. Kingfisher (Tor; Titan UK)
  • Untethered Sky, Fonda Lee (Tordotcom)
  • The Mimicking of Known Successes, Malka Older (Tordotcom)
  • Mammoths at the Gates, Nghi Vo (Tordotcom)

Nebula Award for Novelette

  • “A Short Biography of a Conscious Chair”, Renan Bernardo (Samovar 2/23)
  • I Am AI, Ai Jiang (Shortwave)
  • “The Year Without Sunshine”, Naomi Kritzer (Uncanny 11-12/23)
  • “Imagine: Purple-Haired Girl Shooting Down The Moon”, Angela Liu (Clarkesworld 6/23)
  • “Saturday’s Song”, Wole Talabi (Lightspeed 5/23)
  • “Six Versions of My Brother Found Under the Bridge”, Eugenia Triantafyllou (Uncanny 9-10/23)

Nebula Award for Short Story

  • “Once Upon a Time at The Oakmont”, P.A. Cornell (Fantasy 10/23)
  • “Tantie Merle and the Farmhand 4200”, R.S.A Garcia (Uncanny 7-8/23)
  • “Window Boy”, Thomas Ha (Clarkesworld 8/23)
  • “The Sound of Children Screaming”, Rachael K. Jones (Nightmare 10/23)
  • “Better Living Through Algorithms”, Naomi Kritzer (Clarkesworld 5/23)
  • “Bad Doors”, John Wiswell (Uncanny 1-2/23)

Andre Norton Nebula Award for Middle Grade and Young Adult Fiction

  • To Shape a Dragon’s Breath, Moniquill Blackgoose (Del Rey)
  • The Inn at the Amethyst Lantern, J. Dianne Dotson (Android)
  • Liberty’s Daughter, Naomi Kritzer (Fairwood)
  • The Ghost Job, Greg van Eekhout (Harper)

Nebula Award for Game Writing

  • The Bread Must Rise, Stewart C Baker, James Beamon (Choice of Games)
  • Alan Wake II, Sam Lake, Clay Murphy, Tyler Burton Smith, Sinikka Annala (Remedy Entertainment, Epic Games Publishing)
  • Ninefox Gambit: Machineries of Empire Roleplaying Game, Yoon Ha Lee, Marie Brennan(Android)
  • Dredge, Joel Mason (Black Salt Games, Team 17)
  • Chants of Sennaar, Julien Moya, Thomas Panuel (Rundisc, Focus Entertainment)
  • Baldur’s Gate 3, Adam Smith, Adrienne Law, Baudelaire Welch, Chrystal Ding, Ella McConnell, Ine Van Hamme, Jan Van Dosselaer, John Corcoran, Kevin VanOrd, Lawrence Schick, Martin Docherty, Rachel Quirke, Ruairí Moore, Sarah Baylus, Stephen Rooney, Swen Vincke (Larian Studios)

Ray Bradbury Nebula Award for Outstanding Dramatic Presentation

  • Nimona, Robert L. Baird, Lloyd Taylor, Pamela Ribon, Marc Haimes, Nick Bruno, Troy Quane, Keith Bunin, Nate Stevenson (Annapurna Animation, Annapurna Pictures)
  • The Last of Us: “Long, Long Time”, Neil Druckmann and Craig Mazin (HBOMax)
  • Barbie, Greta Gerwig, Noah Baumbach (Warner Bros., Heyday Films, LuckyChap Entertainment)
  • Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves, Jonathan Goldstein, John Francis Daley, Michael Gilio, Chris McKay (Paramount Pictures, Entertainment One, Allspark Pictures)
  • Spider-ManAcross the Spider-Verse, Phil Lord, Christopher Miller, Dave Callaham (Columbia Pictures, Marvel Entertainment, Avi Arad Productions)
  • The Boy and the Heron, Hayao Miyazaki (Studio Ghibli, Toho Company)

Philosophy (in a Teacup): Joe Gremillion

In this edition of Philosophy (in a Teacup), I sit down with author, community organizer, and NaNoWriMo leader Joe Gremillion. Joe Gremillion spends his time writing and critiquing fiction, leading local hikes, and photographing landscapes. His website, like his novel, is in perpetual development. But if you don’t mind the figurative sawdust then head over to www.joephotos.art.

The man, the myth.

Thank you for joining us! Tell us more about your book/ series/ short story work.

My sci-fi novel in development tells the story of people from conflicting ideologies who learn to see each other’s side. Pressure’s on as the antagonist exploits an ecological disaster and people’s fears. It started with a different premise — or more like a challenge. How many boring sci-fi tropes could I tweak, break, or parody? But over time it turned serious and led to some new ideas.

Why do you write speculative fiction? / What is speculative to you?

I’ve enjoyed reading about distant worlds since I was knee-high to a tribble. How would people adapt to a world whose day lasts nine hours? How do you enforce laws when everyone can vote by flying to a different planet? On an airless moon, is making air a type of farming? What are seasons like when you have two suns? 

These aren’t real, or even realistic. But they’re based on contemporary physics, which gives them a connection to our world, our lives. Even better, “contemporary” is the crucial qualifier. When I started writing stories, we assumed that other stars had planets but didn’t know for sure. Now astrophysicists have a list of more than 3,000 and some are beyond anything we thought possible. Reality keeps challenging imagination.

Where do you find inspiration for your stories?

I’m an introspective sort. Many of my ideas come from juxtaposing absurd ideas and asking questions. My favorite is to play either “five steps of what if” or “five steps of why don’t.” A bit of worldbuilding from my novel began with, “what if space stations didn’t have outside walls?” I asked myself five times before coming up with a concept that did more than reinvent space habitats. It also created the basis for my novel’s premise.

“What if” and “why don’t” works for story concepts too. The Planet of Hats trope is useful in a short story or single episode, but got I tired of entire cultures defined by one trait. So one day I juxtaposed two ideas: “why don’t Klingons wear t-shirts?” Laugh if you will, but that was my first step. The second was, why don’t Klingons have self expression?” Then, “why don’t we see Klingon artists? Or plumbers? Or hair color specialists? It is a good day to dye.” Extrapolating on humorous ideas led me to create a caste-based system with unique beliefs and history from which two of my MCs hail. 

Earlier I mentioned two protagonists with conflicting ideologies. This caste-based society was the second. But the more I developed the second, the more I changed the first to contrast against it. From Klingons wearing peace-sign shirts came, “what if self-expression was compulsory?” 

What is your favorite sci-fi, fantasy, or horror trope? / What is your favorite sci-fi subgenre? 

You may have noticed that I don’t like tropes themselves, but I have a few go-tos. The Fish Out of Water Character is always fun (and useful when introducing readers to strange new worlds). The Mentor/Apprentice or Jaded-Soul/Eager-Explorer pairs often appear in my stories. Binary stars — a classic. The Hero’s Journey is a solid framework … but lately I’ve started exploring the Heroine’s Journey too. And then there’s the old favorite: Peter’s Evil Overlord List.

What is your favorite speculative fiction book (besides yours)? / What is your favorite speculative short story?

My current favorite is Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir. I enjoyed how it balances explaining science while advancing the plot; two unlikely characters who make assumptions that baffle each other; how the story unfolds using the ol’ “amnesia” plot to let the story unfold naturally.

What is your favorite unusual speculative fiction story? / What is the most unusual story or book you’ve written?

Hard to answer that with anything except The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. But there were others:

What is the world you long to see?

Mine. I’ve slogged away at this for years. I love it and I hate it and I’ve quit it three times and it won’t leave me alone aarrrrgh.

Join Project Outreach! Joe Gremillion said so!

How do nature and your photography influence your writing?

Not much. I enjoy landscape photography but see it as a separate hobby. Although it does change my perception of the world. And the vast array of our natural world is incredible, when you think about it. How insects fly is amazing. It’s also fun to see how photographers capture different photos of the same person to tell different stories. Photography tech keeps advancing, which is often overlooked in sci-fi worldbuilding. If someone invents, say, an antigravity device, we rarely see its failed prototypes — much less offshoots, spinoffs, or surprise applications.

(What if we turned an antigravity device upside down? Would it double gravity? Imagine a gymnasium where weight lifting and aerobics were the same thing. Hmm, where’s my pen?)

So except for changing my perceptions, inspiring alien ecologies, observing human behavior, and adding dimension to worldbuilding by watching technology advance, what have the Romans done for us?

Bonus question: Novels or short stories? Which do you prefer to read? Which do you prefer to write?

Novels. Definitely. Endings are my personal antagonists, and writing novels keeps them further away from me than short stories.

Three Tools of Writing: Writing with Cadres

As I discussed in the introduction, Orson Scott Card is a terrible human being. He deserves the condemnation he’s got over the past twenty years. But he’s also the guy who wrote Ender’s Game, and, what is better, Pastwatch and “Unaccompanied Sonata.”

And he’s the guy who wrote How To Write Science Fiction and Fantasy, which is still on my shelf.

I wouldn’t trust him with my teenage daughter, but I trust him to know how to write, and keep writing.

Example stories: Mazghunah, The City Sunk, The City Risen

Among many other interesting (and sometimes dated) advice, in How to…, Card talks about what he calls the MICE Quotient. MICE stands for

  • Milieu
  • Idea
  • Character
  • Event

This isn’t, like so many others, a way to figure out what story to tell (he has other chapters for that, as do we), but rather, to figure out how to tell it. And that is an altogether subtler magic.

Because so many ideas, so many stories, can be told as any of them, and it’s up to us as writers to pick the one that best suits the kind of story we want to tell, and how we want to tell it. Let me introduce them.


A milieu is a place, a setting. The conventional structure for this is “story begins when protagonist comes to the place, ends when they leave (or decide to stay).” All portal fantasies (including Wizard of Oz, Peter Pan, and Flash Gordon) are milieu stories. A whole lot of other stuff can happen while the protagonist is there (defeating a Wicked Witch and unmasking the Wizard, for example) but the promise the story makes at the beginning is that the end is when the protagonist either stays or goes.


An idea story starts with a question, and ends with an answer. Card cites a lot of Golden Age SF that basically romanticized the scientific method, I’ll go ahead and cite literally all mystery novels instead. No Time starts with the question, “who kills Gooch?” And although there’s a lot of fate vs. free will philosophy and a romance with his wife and a temptation with Maria, the story ends when Gooch gets his answer. Same with Sherlock. Same with that hot popular TV show about the detective/doctor/policeman confronted with a strange occurrence and tasked with figuring it out and solving the mystery.


A character story, in Card’s view, is a story where the protagonist starts in one place in society and either winds up in another or gets stuck where they are. They can either be happy or unhappy about their initial place, their ultimate destination, or both. It starts when the character realizes they’re unhappy (either because their life has just been taken from them, or because they just can’t take it any more). This can be a bride who gets cold feet but ultimately decides to go through with the wedding, or a Horatio Alger hero who goes from rags to riches, or Raskolnikov going from prospective murderer to repentant sinner.

Character stories are subtle stories, and can make great subplots, too, because the story happens inside a person – how their actions and perceptions change, even if the external world does not. Many generational stories and immigrant tales, taking the family itself as the character, are character stories as they find their place in society and either accept that place or start the cycle of struggle over again.


There is a rent in the world, and someone has to fix it. This can be the emergence of a Ring of Power and awakening of a dark lord, or a flood swamping the town, or the death of a patriarch leaving a power vacuum. We can learn things, people can change, but the beginning and end of the story is “the thing is broken” and “the thing is now fixed.” Characters can remain static – Card cites Indiana Jones, but ultimately his literary forebear Doc Savage is the perfect example. Someone has ground Prosper City to a halt and at the end Prosper City lives up to its name again – and Doc is the same rich globe-trotting knight-errant as ever.

The power here is that each of these frames provide different spectacles, in the French, different cadres to run the story by. Let’s work an example.

Let’s say I have in mind a Doña Ana Lucía story, where she goes to the zeppelin-cities of Lakshmi to recover the Jade Monkey from an old flame and restore it to Firstdown Colonial on Prithvi. The old flame has turned evil, and not only won’t release the Monkey, but tries to kill Doña Ana Lucía for it. However, a more dangerous enemy emerges seeking the Monkey, killing the old flame, leaving Doña Ana Lucía to avenge their death and escape with the Monkey (and a ton of regrets).

A neat plot, but it’s not really a story yet, is it?

If I wanted to play this as a milieu story, that’s simplicity itself – Doña Ana Lucía arrives on Lakshmi, conducts all her business there, cradles her dying ex in her arms, bewails the senseless death, confronts the killer, and …leaves. Circle opens, circle closes. Very useful if I want to play up how she’s a fish out of water, or take a tour of the place from the eyes of a newcomer, or maintain an outsider’s eye on the action as it proceeds.

If I wanted an idea story, the ultimate fate of the relic would remain in doubt for a long ways into the story. It would open as soon as Doña Ana Lucía asks “where is the Jade Monkey?” and end only when she lays eyes on it, over all the bodies she had to leave to get there. This would be an altogether murkier and more noirish story than the milieu version, which could be fun if I wanted to play with the relationships and ambiguous characters, and focus on Doña Ana Lucía’s intellectual prowess in cutting through all the fog and mystery to the truth behind it all – no matter who it costs her.

If I wanted to do it as a character story, I’d have her start after the Jade Monkey …but ultimately seek reconciliation with the old flame. She’d have a friend or idol decision, and likely fail it, having that moment of reconciliation only as the ex lay dying in her arms, and spend the rest of the story avenging their death to atone for the lost years they could have had together. If she gets the Jade Monkey at all, it will be a Pyrrhic victory and a bitter taste in her mouth. The focus of the story would be on the attempted reconciliation – and the vengeance to follow, with the Monkey increasingly incidental.

If I wanted to do this as an event story, the Monkey would have some kind of cosmic significance – the centerpiece of the Jade Scholars’ Hall’s museum, her museum, and she’s a laughingstock unless and until she gets it back. Or it rightfully belongs to the tribe descendant from the artist that carved it, and they are not really a people without it, and justice demands she retrieve it for them. She can romance her ex, narrowly evade death, avenge them…but the story ultimately ends when she returns the Monkey to where it belongs, stands back, and sees how the world has been put back in place.

I have written all four of these. I have written all four of these with la Doña. It takes a bare-bones plot description (and sometimes not even that) and makes it into a story, with color and shade and focus. It’s a set of spectacles, and I can take up the red ones and all appears bloodied or the yellow ones and all appears honeyed. I see different things from each view, and choose the ones I want to wear while I work this particular plot, this idea.

Take one of your own stories, one of freewritten children of a Bradbury list as breathed through Goldberg, and try on different MICE quotients on them before you parcel them out in quarters like Dent. See how many stories you can tell out of one magical noun in a list.

Next time, we’ll bring it all together.

“Doña Ana Lucía Serrano y la Caja de Venuswood,” by R. Jean Mathieu

That’s right. After years of preparation, Doña Ana Lucía Serrano’s first adventure, “Doña Ana Lucía Serrano y la Caja de Venuswood is now available! Get your copy today!

Doña Ana Lucía Serrano y la Caja de Venuswood
Cover design by Melissa Weiss Mathieu. Cover art by Kim Schmidt.

The taste of her goodbye kiss lingered on Doña Ana Lucía’s lips as they threw her over the drumhead.

In this thrilling installment, Doña Ana Lucía Serrano falls into the clutches of interplanetary heiress Anni Talavalakar, whose venuswood box contains a secret that could implicate half the Six Worlds of Earth! But how are the sinister criminal Syndicates involvedBlackmailed by a mysterious figure, Doña Ana Lucía will need all her wits and skill to avoid death by a Syndicate bullet or dishonor over the interplanetary airwaves.

Will she succeed?

Can she succeed?

Find out, in the pages of “Doña Ana Lucía Serrano y la Caja de Venuswood!”

Three Tools of Writing: Writing Staccato

This is the guy that wrote all those luscious descriptions of Doc Savage’s physique.

“No yarn of mine written to the formula has yet failed to sell.”

That’s the promise Lester Dent makes, second sentence of his Pulp Paper Master Fiction Plot.

Dent’s little essay packs a surprisingly limber, versatile formula for storytelling – a bit like a slim Swiss Army knife. It doesn’t apply to everything (you can’t very well write a “two people sit at a table and talk” type of sci-fi story with it – at least, I can’t) but what it does apply to, it does the job very well, and you have a great deal of fun writing it.

If writing free is the path of inspiration and surprise, the Master Pulp Formula – writing staccato – is the path of fun.

Example Story: Doña Ana Lucía Serrano y la Caja de Venuswood (Lady Ana Lucía Serrano and the Venuswood Box)

On the face of it, it just sounds like some other guy’s Save the Cat model. Start in media res. Introduce all the characters. Show, don’t tell. In a 6,000-word story, you have to hit an action scene and a plot twist at every 1,500 words.

But, there in the descriptions of the “different things” that would be “swell” to have the villain doing for this story, there’s


Lester dent

I defy you not to hear that in Howard Cassell’s voice. Walter Winchell’s at a stretch.

I got to admit, that’s what first hooked me. The lingo. The jive. That breezy thirties style.

But, underneath that, there’s a powerful engine of storytelling in here, or, rather, of yarning. Because this is a method of building the kind of story where characters act, things happen, and by the end, something large or small has changed in the world. Stories of any length, depth, or complexity. Stories like solarpulp.

To begin with, it is not limited to 6,000 words. Indeed, I’ve only rarely managed it in 6,000 words, most of the stories I write in this métier average 14,000 words. It’s the proportions that matter:

  • A quarter of the way in, the hero has an action-packed confrontation (suitably scaled up or down to the size of the story at hand) and a twist and setback that keeps them from finishing it then and there.
  • The hero gets more grief, mainly not their own fault, and gets into another conflict halfway through. And it should be a different kind – if Doña Ana Lucía drew her sword and dueled at the first quarter, let her give chase or get pinned to a firefight now.
  • In the third quarter, the menace grows thicker and darker, and a mirror of the first quarter twist leaves the hero with almost no hope of success. The action may retreat for most of the last quarter, but the menace and tension mount until the hero is “almost buried in his troubles,” then, and here Dent emphasizes, “the hero extricates himself with HIS OWN SKILL, training or brawn.”
  • After the climax, the hero clears up any mysteries and we close on a final line, “the snapper” that leaves the reader with the intended takeaway feeling.

These outlines or master formulas are only something to make you certain of inserting some physical conflict, and some genuine plot twists, with a little suspense and menace thrown in.  Without them, there is no pulp story.

Lester dent

This structure applies to novelettes, too. It applies to movies – let me take Raiders of the Lost Ark:

“First line, or as near thereto, introduce the hero and swat him with a fistful of trouble.”

Indy is betrayed before we even see his face, and then repeatedly by his remaining colleagues, infiltrating the temple of the Hovitos. Then, of course, Belloq shows up and chases him out. All this in the first ten minutes.

“Hero’s endeavours land him in actual physical conflict near the end of the first [quarter]…there is a complete surprise twist development.”

The destruction of the Raven Bar (and Marion’s triumphant, angry “I’m your goddamned partner!”) comes at almost precisely the one-quarter mark of Raiders. And with Sallah and “the boss German, Dietrich” introduced less than a minute later, all the players are on stage.

“Another physical conflict […] a surprising plot twist to end the [second quarter] […] Does the second part have SUSPENSE? […] Is the second part logical?”

Sallah captured, Indy and Marion trapped in the Well of Souls by Belloq and his Nazi friends, who now have the Ark. This kicks off one of the greatest chains of action scenes in all of American cinema, the escape from the Well of Souls,  the Airplane Fight, and the Truck Chase. Although the action-packing is heavy (and lesser creators than Lucas, Ford, and Spielberg at the height of their powers would have made it drag), the timing is still there – the twist that they’ve been discovered comes just before the halfway mark, the snakes just after.

“A physical conflict […] a surprising plot twist, in which the hero preferably gets it in the neck bad […] The hero finds himself in a hell of a fix.”

After the extended action sequence ending with the Ark, Indy, and Marion aboard the Bantu Wind, the conflict at the end of the third quarter is understated – it’s a suspense scene, rather than an action scene. Dietrich and his men storm the ship, take the Ark, re-capture Marion, and Indy is barely hanging on by a strap to a Nazi sub. He has to hide, skulk, and disguise himself, and meanwhile we find out they’re not going to Berlin – why not? What is Belloq planning?

“Get the hero almost buried in his troubles […] The hero extricates himself by HIS OWN SKILL.”

Indy challenged Belloq, holding the Ark ransom for Marion, but he relents, and is captured to witness Belloq’s moment of triumph. Does Indy wriggle out of the ropes and take on an entire division of armed Nazis? Well. No. He escapes the fate of those who look into the Ark by his own skill – heeding all the warnings he’s got since the pointer scene that the Ark is not for human eyes or hands and shutting his own eyes and, critically, passing this on to Marion, too. He didn’t get out of the ropes with his own skill, but he got out from the wrath of God that way, and that’s a damn sight bigger.

“The snapper, the punch line to end it.”

I don’t really have to say it, do I? The government warehouse. The Ark was lost, then found, and now, symmetrically, is lost again. Cue John Williams.And it applies to novels.

Take Dune, for example.

The first quarter conflict is Yueh’s betrayal, the fall of House Atreides, with the twist being that the Fremen are far more than anyone (even the Duke) anticipated. In the middle, we have the knife-fight with Jamis, and the revelations of the source of the spice and the Waters of Life. The third quarter, the action is Paul riding the worm and the twist that now is the time for his strike against the Emperor and the Harkonnens. The final confrontation is the knife-fight with Feyd-Rautha, the twist being that Paul has given himself to the coming Jihad. The final line is a bit weak, but the rest of the book’s strengths more than make up for it.

But in a novel, you need something more.

This wasn’t the case for Dent. Each Doc Savage novel ended with Doc much the same as he was before – the globe-trotting do-gooder, Trouble Buster, Inc., the Man of Bronze. He is unchanged for all his adventures, a bronze statue, and even when Monk quits smoking, or Ham acquires a pet monkey, or Doc acquires a cousin, it doesn’t change them. They learn nothing, for they already know all.

That doesn’t satisfy. Not anymore.

The folks over at Rampant Games, in their exhaustive How to Write Pulp for Fun and Profit, explore the pulp character arc. Building on Dent’s model, they introduce the standard pulp hero character development – the hero initially starts out seeking a false goal, start incorporating a better/truer goal, plan to go back, and ultimately commit to the truer goal in the end. This opens up possibilities. Consider Temple of Doom: Indy lights out after the Shankara Stone (for fortune and glory), discovers what’s happened to the missing children, frees them (while still collecting the Shankara stones), and uses two of them to defeat the villain who enslaved the children and returns the last to its home village – giving up the fortune and glory that would have come with it.

Now back to Dune. Paul seeks vengeance for his father’s death and his rightful place as ruler of Arrakis. He glimpses a vision of the jihad to come and the Golden Path, and works to avoid it while continuing to pursue his vengeance. But, here, Paul fails the character arc – when his son is killed, he pursues his vengeance to the hilt, rejecting the “truer goal” of avoiding all the havoc, chaos, and bloodshed it entails.

Indy’s is a triumphant pulp arc. Paul’s is a tragic one.

In any story of action, you can have the protagonist choose to embrace or forsake the higher calling that comes along in the course of pursuing their base goal. The idol, or the friends we made along the way? And many a villain putting a hero in that perilous position had a journey like that once of their own, one that, like Paul, they failed. Every sinner has a future and every saint a past, isn’t that so?

Finally, it’s not limited to just action. Romances often work to the same tempo as Dent’s most testosterone-poisoned pulps. Consider Pride and Prejudice

Those of us who are into boys can contemplate Mr. Darcy aaaaaaall daaaaay…

…the second ball (where Elizabeth verbally fences with Darcy before he lights off for London with Bingley) and the sudden departure leaving Jane in the lurch are the end of the first quarter, Darcy’s first proposal (and the contents of his letter) and Elizabeth’s rejection are the confrontation at the end of the second, Lydia’s surprise marriage to Wickham caps off the third, and Elizabeth’s confrontation with Lady Catherine and reconciliation with Darcy round the book out. The action, here, is relational – conflicts between people and between people and their own hearts, where the “surprise per page” is in the repartee and the conflict is handled with words (or subtle gestures) and not fists.

I leave it as an exercise to the reader to consider how to apply action, twists, and climaxes to erotica.

Next time, we’ll wind it up with the last of my three tools: Orson Scott Card and his magnificent mice.

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