That’s right, two of my classic stories are available for free, for réveillon de Noël and for Noël (24/25 dec) only! Don’t wait for Boxing Day to collect your gifts from me.

It’s 2100.
English is China’s only language.
Christmas is its biggest holiday.
And Ying Wen has to find a present for his mother…
A simple little story of a China that still could be, and a Christmas that might just already be here in some countries…

I can’t remember the first time I met myself, but I’ve passed along the story to my younger self when it came to be my turn. I do remember the year I decided to come home every Christmas. I was ten years old, and my parents were away at the office Christmas party, and Nina was downstairs watching TV. I was feeling lonely, as it was Christmas Eve and every other year we’d all have been putting presents under the tree and dropping hints about the contents by now.
That’s when I walk in.
The Christmas tale of a young man haunted by his own holiday traditions.
Ethan’s parents have left him in the house on the eve of his tenth Christmas, with nobody but Nina the babysitter for company. But Ethan has a secret – he can time travel, and every year for the rest of his life, he returns to this night to have a party. Every year, though, it’s always the same – the insecurity, the stupid mistakes, the arguments. But this year might be a better Christmas…maybe….
It’s over 6000 words of unexpected Christmas angles. Joyeux Noël et bon Nouvel’An!
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