A few months ago, on a romantic whim, and well-aware that I can only stand China for so long, I signed up for the Rickshaw Run. It’s one thousand miles of India, a couch strapped to a motorcycle, and me and whoever comes along. A one hundred per cent Adventure, straight up, with fedoras and all.
They just emailed me and told me that I had been accepted for the Spring 2012 run.
And that the 1000 British pound entry fee is due in three days. I can put up a fifth of that.
So. This is an appeal.
The Rickshaw Run, like everything the Adventurists do, is a charity rally. That is, every cent of that entry fee goes to FRANK Water Project, providing rural Indians with access to clean running water. I believe that makes it tax-deductible if you donate, but you’d have to check with a tax lawyer on that one.
Every one of my friends, family, or well-wishers who donates will get a mention in any media I appear in. You’ll get a special shout out in anything I write about the experience…and some of you remember Foreign Devil in China, so you know what my writing’s worth. I will be calling a friend at my local paper tomorrow to see if he’d like to follow up on a previous article he wrote on me.
This is an appeal. For charity, for the love of adventure, for publicity, for tax benefits, for my birthday, I’m appealing to you. Head over to PayPal, and drop a hundred or a fifty or a twenty in my roscoe (dot) mathieu (at) gmail (dot) com account.
I have three days to confirm Team Fedora for the 2012 Rickshaw Run. Help me do it.
Charity is meaningful. I like people with good willings.