The classic Ecopunk! story, “The City Sunk, the City Risen” is now available stand-alone on Amazon! Patrons on Patreon got a sneak peek and a pre-order a week early, but now the story is available to all and sundry.
Ladli dabbed at her brow with the hem of her sari. It was not Proper, but then, neither was she. A proper auntie would not have wasted what few rupees they had on electricity from the neighbourhood’s jugaar solar install, not have wasted yet more on roadside dhaba meals so she’d have time to work, not have sent Maandhar diving into the deep on mad bright dreams instead of honest cons like the rest of the diver-boys.
The thought had occurred to her, in the shadows of the multinationals, as she queued for water. The ubiquitous cloud of diver-boys swarmed any out-of-towners or people who looked rich.
“Many diamonds, uncle, from the old days!”
“Only two hundred rupees investment!”
“Prizes from the deep!”
Ladli and her family live on the shores of sunken Surat, seeking sustenance from the waters that were once the downtown Diamond District. Her promising nephew Maandhar dives for treasures and tricks gullible tourists, her brother-in-law Guarav from the fish that gather fewer and fewer every year. Ladli looks down into the dirty deep and the bones of the city that once was, and dreams of a garden, a garden of beauty and wealth, that might rise from the waters again…
Interested to hear more? Pick up a copy of “The City Sunk, the City Risen” from Amazon.com today.
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